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How mindfulness can help overcome a creative blockage

How reconnecting with nature helps you overcome "feeling stuck" .

The deadline is coming closer and you feel stuck in a loop of procrastination and lack of ideas. Everyone experienced it. Many say that "it's a mindset thing". But is it really? Self-doubt is one of the many toxic traits that a lot of creatives carry in them. The inner critic, the voice that tells you you're not good enough.

I'd love to say that there's a universal answer to overcoming these hurdles and living happily ever after, but let's be real, that's not going to happen.

“You don't have to be the best to become the best.” – Eva Cremers

So, what's the solution? Finding back to your most human self and practicing mindfulness. In Buddhism, mindfulness is described as a moment-to-moment awareness of present events as well as remembering of being aware of something. Try to see the world through the eyes of a child – go outside, explore, and listen to what surrounds you. Actively live life to its fullest with an open and curious mindset. Also, put your electronics into your bag!

Appreciate the little things

When practicing a mindful lifestyle, even if it's just for a day, you will eventually stumble across the beautiful artworks nature has created. Rough textures, soft breezes, and playful humming will surround you.

“Nature is the worlds greatest artist.”

And how do you translate that into art?

You won't find a post-it stuck on a leaf with THE solution. Try to understand how processes outside of your bed work. By understanding the basic principles, you will eventually find a solution for more complex projects. Insights of nature change your perspective and connected thinking.

As soon as you free yourself from personal problems, stress, and other bad factors by just reconnecting with your roots you will eventually find your inner zen. This helps you to re-focus and reset your engines.

I cannot guarantee that this always helps. But this simple solution, stepping outside and just breathing fresh air can work wonders.


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